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Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Plus and Minus

Discussion Text

Pros and Cons of Having Boyfriend or Girlfriend


Assalamu'alaikum wa rohmatullohi wa barokaatuh

Hai Readers, today Fie will post a discussion text with title Pros and Cons of Having Boyfriend or Girlfriend. This text is my original writing. If there are many mistake, I'm really sorry, Readers? Okey??! Actually I wrote this text because of duty from my English teacher, Mam Nurul. I get the sampel to this text from interview with some of my friends in XII-S1, MAN Kota Kediri 3 with some changing.

Because the environment of this sampel is in Madrasah, or school with a special religion, Islam. So, I used words that maybe strange for some Readers.

Okey,, Let's Check it!!?

Having boyfriend or girlfriend is a condition when someone have a partner and they like each other. They feel needed the presence of their boyfriend or girlfriend. And, they agreed to make a more relationship. Like the other case, having boyfriend or girlfriend also have a negative sides and positive sides.

Positive sides of having boyfriend or girlfriend for some people, especially for students, is can be a spirit in study. They will compete to get achievement. So, they will be motiving to more diligent in study.

Whereas negative sides of having boyfriend or girlfriend are, first, it is near and will open the way to maksiat and zina. In additional, in our religion, Islam, it is forbidden clearly. So, if we still do it, it will cause a sins.

Second, having boyfriend or girlfriend can disturb our consentrate in study. When someone having boyfriend or girlfriend, automatically his or her attention will be divided. He or she will not consentrate, because he or she is busing thinked of his or her boyfriend or girlfriend. "Is he or she have eaten yet?", "Is he or she have slept yet?", "What he or she doing now?"

Third, for girls, what a pitty your husband latter? For they who have boyfriend or girlfriend, it is impossible if they are do nothing. So, does it mean that they have been being former from their boyfriend? While, they boyfriend isn't definite to be their husband. The bad reason is if something don't want happen, what will you do? Like pregnant? Na,udzubillahimindzalik.

The conclusion is, I recomendate you to not having boyfriend or girlfriend. More good prevent than treat. Why we have to think someone that still isn't "halal" for us? Beside they aren't positive be our partner or husband or wife in our future life. In the other hand, the negative sides of having boyfriend or girlfriend is more much than the positive sides. Altough

Wassalamu'alaikum wa rohmatullohi wa barokaatuh

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